
The Sands Point Preserve Conservancy is a phenomenal site to visit. The staff are welcoming and extremely knowledgeable about the grounds. The best way to become informed of programming and activities is to look on their website. There are drop down menus for all events. There is also a posted calendar. The best flat paved surface to negotiate is the roadway that goes in a loop around the grounds: past Castle Gould, past the dog runs, past Hempstead House, past the playground and open grassy lawn area. In order to access Trail 5 which is the most accessible trail, it is necessary to negotiate down 2 hills of 24 degree and 21 degree slopes. The dog runs are awesome, and depending on the time of the day may be more crowded than other times.

Regarding the restrooms, Castle Gould has wider access doorways to enter the bathrooms than the Black Box public restrooms, which are not accessible.

This site is recommended for persons of all abilities to explore. Enjoy!