Section E: Program Practices
Registration and needs assessment
Comments/additional information about registration and needs assessment:
The registration form does not ask if the participant needs any accommodation or assistance.
Supports available
If yes, describe quiet area:
aerobics room available if not occupied by a class
Comments/additional information about supports:
The staff and peers at the YMCA are very friendly everyone helps out each other if needed. The YMCA is like one big family and very welcoming.
There is no designated area for calming or relaxation but the aerobics room is available for anyone to use if there is no class going on.
Activity accommodations
Length Of Activity
Skill Level
Skill Level
Comments/additional information about activity accommodations:
If you need an alternative form of communication, contact the agency in advance so that they can set something up, they don’t have people on sight but can get someone for when you come in.
Specialized programs or services
- Swim Lessons
- Special Needs Swim Lessons
- Splash Parties
- Water Aerobics
- Youth Sports ( Soccer
- Roller Hockey
- Basketball And T Ball) Adult Leagues (Volleyball
- Dodge Ball
- Soccer
- Racquetball And Basketball)
Notes about program practices
No content available