Section B: Physical Inclusion

APPROACH: Transportation

No content available

APPROACH: ParkingOnly Parking

(If both are present, assess the agency parking)


(International symbol of accessibility or clear wording)

Number of designated accessible spaces:

(If unlined, approximate number of accessible spaces)

0 spaces
Number of designated accessible spaces with access aisles:
0 spaces
Distance from parking to entrance:

(If no designated accessible parking, measure distance from middle of parking lot/area to entrance)

15 feet
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
crushed stone, packed dirt, tall grass
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Comments/additional information about parking and route of travel to entrance:
Parking is along a driveway up to gate. There are no spaces. you would just pull to the side. The driveway does lead back to the road so you will not need to turn around.

ENTER: Entrances

No content available

USE: Registration/Reception/Check-in Area

Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %

USE: Public Restroom/Toilet

Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %

USE: Elevator(s)

Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %

USE: Stairs

Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %

Notes about physical inclusion

Any additional information about physical accessibility you feel would be helpful to people with disabilities and their families
This is a very rustic natural setting. The accessible feature is that with a permit you may use an ATV or 4WD on this path.