Section B: Physical Inclusion
APPROACH: Transportation
Comments/additional information about transportation:
There is a Metro bus stop not far from the studio.
Distance from parking to entrance:
(If no designated accessible parking, measure distance from middle of parking lot/area to entrance)
36 feet
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Width of route of travel (at its narrowest point):
54 inches
Comments/additional information about parking and route of travel to entrance:
Accessible parking is available at the end of the sidewalk and pictures will be included. The area is also an industrial park, so parking is not like an open parking lot, just a row of spaces.
ENTER: EntrancesFront Entrance
Clear open width of door:
35 inches
Opening force of door:
(enter 0 pounds if automatic door)
6 43/100 pounds
Push plate
Clear space on pull (handle) side of door:
18 inches
Comments/additional information about entrance:
There is a 7 inch space to step onto the sidewalk from the street.
USE: Registration/Reception/Check-in AreaRegistration Desk
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
hard carpet
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Width of route of travel (at its narrowest point):
43 inches
Height of counter:
47 inches
Comments/additional information about reception/registration/check-in area:
The front desk does have side access if the counter is too tall, with a width of route of travel at 51 inches.
USE: Registration/Reception/Check-in AreaCheck-in table
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
hard carpet
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Width of route of travel (at its narrowest point):
43 inches
Height of counter:
29 inches
USE: Public Restroom/Toilet
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
hard carpet
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Width of route of travel (at its narrowest point):
42 inches
Clear open width of door to restroom:
47 inches
Opening force of door:
(enter 0 pounds if automatic door)
0 27/100 pounds
Clear space on pull (handle) side of door:
18 inches
If no, provide dimensions of free floor space in stall/toilet area:
84 inches x 36 inches
Toilet seat height:
19 inches
If no, provide dimensions of free space in sink area:
44 inches x 45 inches
Height of sink:
28 inches
Depth of knee space under sink:
(from outer edge of sink to pipes or other obstruction under sink)
11 inches
If wall-mounted, height of hand dryers/paper towel dispensers:
48 inches
Comments/additional information about public restroom/toilet:
There are 4 single restrooms in the building. All have the same set up.
USE: Elevator(s)
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Comments/additional information about the elevator:
studio only has one level
USE: Stairs
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Comments/additional information about stairs:
studio only has one level
Notes about physical inclusion
Any additional information about physical accessibility you feel would be helpful to people with disabilities and their families
The space is very easy to get around in. Some of the physical accessibility is due to the way the building and area was previously made.