Section B: Physical Inclusion
APPROACH: Transportation
Comments/additional information about transportation:
Via/ Port Mall stop on the 354 bus line, with a walk of 0.2 miles to access the Via Aquarium entrance. CDTA website states all bus routes are accessible.
APPROACH: ParkingMain parking area
Number of designated accessible spaces:
(If unlined, approximate number of accessible spaces)
7 spaces
Width of designated accessible spaces:
100 inches
Number of designated accessible spaces with access aisles:
4 spaces
Width of access aisles:
96 inches
Distance from parking to entrance:
(If no designated accessible parking, measure distance from middle of parking lot/area to entrance)
150 feet
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
Asphalt and concrete, parking lot to sidewalk with curb stepdowns
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Width of route of travel (at its narrowest point):
41 inches
Comments/additional information about parking and route of travel to entrance:
The accessible entrance is the main entrance, marked with the Via Aquarium sign.
ENTER: EntrancesMain Entrance
If yes, distance between doors:
1512 inches
Clear open width of door:
37 inches
Opening force of door:
(enter 0 pounds if automatic door)
4 pounds
Push plate
Clear space on pull (handle) side of door:
18 inches
Comments/additional information about entrance:
The entrance consists of one door (pull to open) followed by a 125 foot long hallway before another door.
USE: Registration/Reception/Check-in AreaTicket Desk
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
Tile flooring
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Width of route of travel (at its narrowest point):
42 inches
Height of counter:
34 inches
Comments/additional information about reception/registration/check-in area:
Accessible registration is available in the main entry of the Aquarium. Braille signage is not provided.
USE: Registration/Reception/Check-in Area
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
USE: Public Restroom/ToiletFamily bathroom
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
Solid vinyl flooring
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
0 %
Clear open width of door to restroom:
34 inches
Opening force of door:
(enter 0 pounds if automatic door)
5 pounds
Clear space on pull (handle) side of door:
24 inches
Toilet seat height:
17 inches
Height of sink:
34 inches
Depth of knee space under sink:
(from outer edge of sink to pipes or other obstruction under sink)
8 inches
If wall-mounted, height of soap dispensers:
44 inches
If wall-mounted, height of hand dryers/paper towel dispensers:
41 inches
Notes about physical inclusion
Any additional information about physical accessibility you feel would be helpful to people with disabilities and their families
The Aquarium is laid ot with wide hallways and many open areas. The overall lighting is low. It can get noisy when crowded.