View of toilet with grab bars
The 4 closest accessible parking spaces
Main entrance to the aquarium
A large map visible upon entering the aquarium
Family restroom is fully accessible
Restroom with 60 inch circle placed on the floor for scale
A replica of fossilized shark jaws, which guests can pose inside
Walls at the shallow water touch pool are 34 inches high
The shallow waters touch pool
This tank allows guests to crawl in and be surrounded by fish
A poster from a group of people with disabilities who did a career exploration program at the aquarium
The stingray touch pool
The stingray touch pool has 34 inch walls, with a portion with 18 inch wall accessed by two 8 inch steps
The koi feeding area has 24 inch walls
The koi feeding area, featuring some very excited koi
The tunnel tank allows guests to feel as if they are underwater
The exit to the gift shop
The exit from the gift shop to the mall