The Great River Landing is a special place to visit because of its natural beauty, culture, recreational activities and Onalaska-friendly atmosphere. It’s a place that once you visit, you will always want to come back to.
The Great River Landing is a recreational treasure to explore with breathtaking bluffs that surround Lake Onalaska and the Black and Mississippi Rivers, the Wittenberg Marsh, and the trailhead for the Great River Bicycle Trail. Local businesses contribute to the authentic cultural experience by providing local cuisine and unique shopping experiences. The Great River Road runs right through Great River Landing, providing a gateway for families wanting to explore the upper Mississippi Valley.
The measurements and research was done by University of Wisconsin- La Crosse students, Samual Montiel Zamora, Tia Sneath, Samual Weninger, Abbey Driggers, and Abby Claussen.
Bikie, fish, kayak, snowmobile, logrolling, run,and golf