1 East 161st Street

Bronx, NY 10451

(718) 293 - 4300



According to the agency website: The Yankees strive to provide an accessible environment for all their Guests at Yankee Stadium. Wheelchair accessible and designated aisle-transfer seats are available at various price points and locations and include Yankees Premium seat locations (please see "Yankees Premium" ). The Stadium also offers enhanced accessibility for Guests with hearing loss or low vision and for Guests who are deaf or blind.

For additional information about accessibility at the Stadium or if you have any questions or comments, please contact:

Disabled Services: (718) 579-4510 (voice) or (718) 579-4595 (TTY) or email us at the following address: disabledservices@yankees.com

While at the Stadium during a game or public event, Guests may request to speak with a member of Disabled Services in person at any open Guest Relations Booth or Kiosk or in the Yankee Stadium Lobby, adjacent to Gate 2.

The following link is also available at their website which features the vast majority of disability and accessibility information for guests attending Yankees Stadium: http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/nyy/ballpark/information/index.jsp?content=disabled




Baseball games mostly; however, other events are also hosted here including concerts, athletics, parties etc...