Located on picturesque countryside in western Onondaga County, the Hatchery was originally developed and operated as a joint venture between Onondaga County and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under a Works Project Administration Grant. One of only four county run hatcheries in the state, this has been in continuous operation since its inception in 1938 and produces 70,000+ Brook, Brown and Rainbow Trout annually. Staff and volunteers take great pride in stocking over 100 miles of streams and 10,000 acres of impoundments with 100% of the D.E.C. recommendations for these waters.
Carpenter's Brook features:
•Brookside Shelter, available by reservation, click on "Book Now" link to reserve online or call 451-7275.
•fish production for farm pond stocking
•children's fishing derbies, call ahead for dates
•a 2-yr old stocking program, producing 15" trophy fish
•Hatchery tours for groups of 5 or more, available by reservation
Fish Hatchery And Park
fishing, picnic areas, guided tours, playground