Section C: Administrative Practices

Agency Mission and Values

Comments/additional information about agency mission:
There is nothing in the mission or vision statements that refer to inclusion for individuals with disabilities or other differences. To find any information about programs and services for individuals with disabilities I had to search from the Homepage, select "Parks & Recreation" under departments, then select "Recreation". There is a mission statement on this page, however, it does not include individuals with disabilities. On the left-hand side of the page is a link "Special Needs Adapted Programs" in which citizens can learn more about programs specifically for individuals with disabilities.


Point of Contact/Coordinator

No content available

Agency Planning

No content available

Agency Communication and Marketing

No content available

Agency Policies and Procedures

No content available


No content available

Partnerships and Collaboration

If yes, please list:

Notes About Administrative Practices

Any additional administrative practices you noted at the agency that are not listed above that you feel are helpful to people with disabilities and their families:
The company did not want to complete an interview at this time.