Section C: Administrative Practices
Agency Mission and Values
Comments/additional information about agency mission:
No external value statement. Internal values reflect inclusion. Administration is looking at their mission statement for possible revision to be more inclusive.
Point of Contact/Coordinator
Kelly Attridge
Inclusion Coordinator, Recreation Supervisor
If yes, list main topics covered in training
Managers have CIA training. They are working on revising their training for all staff to include person first language, IAT training and disability awareness training.
Agency Planning
If yes, list types of involvement/input:
While people with disabilities are not formally involved in agency planning efforts, their input is taken informally and it is considered in their planning process. There are family members of children with disabilities present on advisory boards.
Comments/additional information about agency planning:
Perinton Recreation and Parks Department has entered a partnership with Rochester Accessible Adventures to work towards optimal accessibility and inclusion within this building (and all other facilities and parks) and overall culture.
Agency Communication and Marketing
Comments/additional information about agency communication and marketing:
With advanced notice, an ASL interpreter may be secured for programming. Closed caption is available for movie screenings.
Agency Policies and Procedures
Comments/additional information about agency policies and procedures:
The boat ramp is open to all.
Partnerships and Collaboration
Comments/additional information about agency partnerships and collaboration:
Perinton Recreation and Parks is working with Rochester Accessible Adventures to work towards becoming more accessible in its facilities and offerings and to operate inclusively so that individuals living with disabilities and their families and friends can recreate together every time their doors are open.
Notes About Administrative Practices
Any additional administrative practices you noted at the agency that are not listed above that you feel are helpful to people with disabilities and their families:
Inclusion and accessibility is a priority for Perinton Recreation and Parks. PR&P is currently undergoing a culture change and are working towards true inclusion of all people including those living with a disability.