Check-in/ registration area
Check in/registration signage
Restroom toilet
Restroom sink
Stairs leading up to indoor track and punching bags
Accessible parking spaces in front of main entrance
Accessible reminder sign
Route of travel to main entrance
Family Locker room entrance
Accessible shower
Shower handle
Route of travel to gymnasium
Bench seating in gymnasium
Route of travel to fitness center
Accessible shower
Shower controls
Accessible shower
Route of travel to gymnasium
Benches in gymnasium
Route of travel to fitness center
Route of travel in fitness center
fitness center
Main Entrance to Building
Treadmill display
Accessible equipment
Accessible equipment
Equipment Orientation signage
Trainer on the Floor signage
Trainer on the floor signage
Weight area in fitness center
Accessible equipment
Accessible fitness center equipment
Pool stairs with hand rails
Pool accessibility chair
Main entrance doors
Route of travel to pool and locker/shower rooms
Pool chair weight limit and signage
Edge of pool indicators and depth signage
Pool edge
Accessible shower