Wantagh park is a part of Nassau county parks system created in 1961. The park has a pool, beach, gazebo, picnic tables, lighthouse, administration building, bathrooms, miniature golf course, boating dock, exercise equipment area, baseball/softball fields, tennis courts, fishing pier, locker room, fitness trail, and playground. There is public transportation to and from the park (bus/ train although buses arrive closer to the park). These options accommodate people in wheelchairs. For those who plan on going in the pool and use a wheelchair, make sure to notify staff if a hoyer (adaptive equipment to lift a person into the pool) is needed. This hoyer lifts up to 350 pounds. There are three parking lots all with accessible parking spaces. There are ramps for getting in the above ground buildings with bathrooms. There are three bathrooms, one by the pool, then the picnic area, and lastly the playground.