2 Docks at Boating Area

General Information

* Name/Location of Boating Area
2 Docks at Boating Area

(check all that apply)

Hard surface pier

(a gangway or slope that bridges the span between land and the pier)


(i.e. textured pathways, changes in color)

Describe the surface of the pier:

(wooden planks, smooth, few rises, mostly even surface, etc.)

One is concrete, the other is metal
What is the width of the pier at its narrowest point?

(60" minimum or, where there are obstacles, the route can narrow to 36" for no more than a 24" length on the pier)

60 inches

(either a permanent mooring spot or space to temporarily tie off)


(lips at sides of piers, docks, or gangways with a maximum of 4" high and 2" wide)



The closest parking is up the road which leads down to the boat docks. The slope of the roadway is 10-12% and is over 200 feet from the docking area. However, people with limited mobility are welcome to drive down closer to the docks and park there while they utilize the amenity. The staff recommends asking them for further assistance if necessary.

Comments/additional information regarding boating area