Inside of the bathroom, a view of the sink, which is a sink, soap dispenser and hand drier all in one
Accessible Playground
The staircase serves as a way to get to the second floor
The outside of the Community and Recreation Center in Montgomery County Pennsylvania
The accessible ramp
Double door entrance, an inside view
The front of Recreation Center
Accessible Playground
accessible shower in the family style bathroom
Kitchen Space, used for catered events or cooking related classes
seating by the playground
Accessible Playground
Sitting area
Parking spaces
Two full sized basketball courts, dividable
Water play area
Alternative door handle found around the building
Hallways around the building
Indoor walking track above basketball courts
A classroom area
Accessible Playground
The accessible playground, pictured from a second story window
The family style restroom
The push bar door handle style common around the building on the glass doors
The elevator
Fittness Center
the lobby, the front desk is immediately ahead when you walk in the door
Pull bar door handle
The Narrowest part of the ramp
The accessible parking spaces, there are 6 total, 4 by the entrance to the recreation center, two by the playground and water play area
Swing sets at the playground
Water fountain