According to the agency website: "Vogel Park is located in the middle of the North George Street traffic circle in North Rome. This park was created in 1919 for use as green space and for passive use. The location of the park is in the middle of Rome's Historic District and the park itself is surrounded by numerous examples of outstanding architecture.
The site’s only development is the landscaping design, including the paved walkway down the middle of the park and the decorative lighting down both the interior of the park as well as the lights that encircle the parks exterior. A series of memorial benches are located at the ends of the walkway.
The walking path down the middle of the park is in excellent condition, having been replaced in 2003. The tree stock is aging, however a tree restoration plan is in place and more than two dozen new trees have been planted to someday replace the majestic trees at the center of the park.
In the 1920s through 1940s, the park was famous for its gorgeous lilac groves, and the park was a common location for weddings and wedding photos.
Future plans for the park include the planting of a memorial garden as well as a reintroduction of the historic lilac groves."