Section C: Administrative Practices
Agency Mission and Values
Comments/additional information about agency mission:
Although the Bronx House is a Jewish Community Center, they welcome and embrace people of all ages, religions, and cultures.
Contact Information
not applicable
Point of Contact/Coordinator
No content available
If yes, list main topics covered in training
not applicable
Comments/additional information about agency staff:
Although there is not a designated point of contact for inclusion, if accommodations need to be made, contact the head of the department under which the activity is held.
Agency Planning
If yes, list types of involvement/input:
not applicable
Agency Communication and Marketing
Large Print
Oral Communication
Large Print
Oral Communication
Agency Policies and Procedures
Comments/additional information about agency evaluation of inclusion:
The goals and objectives of each program at Bronx House reflect inclusion. Although there are not specific programs for people with disabilities.
Partnerships and Collaboration
If yes, please list:
Comments/additional information about agency partnerships and collaboration:
The Bronx House also has a relationship with the schools and other organizations that rent out part of it.
Notes About Administrative Practices
No content available