Section C: Administrative Practices
Agency Mission and Values
Contact Information
Point of Contact/Coordinator
No content available
Comments/additional information about agency staff:
Because Strawberry Fields Farm is a small, private facility and residence, volunteers and staff get to know each individual on a very personal level and respect is the main value portrayed at the barn.
Agency Planning
If yes, list types of involvement/input:
Strawberry Fields Farm always asks the participants what they would like to do and how we can go about accomplishing this.
Agency Communication and Marketing
Comments/additional information about agency communication and marketing:
The only marketing done is an advertisement in the phone book. A new website is underway; they plan to have an option available to website visitors that will allow them to enlarge the size of font.
Agency Policies and Procedures
Comments/additional information about agency evaluation of inclusion:
Evaluations are done at the end of each lesson of the progresson accomplished and at the end of every special event.
Partnerships and Collaboration
If yes, please list:
Comments/additional information about agency partnerships and collaboration:
As of now, partnerships are not needed.
Notes About Administrative Practices
No content available