Section B: Physical Inclusion
APPROACH: Transportation
Comments/additional information about transportation:
bus stops right in front of the center (bus numbers 102, 103, 104)
APPROACH: ParkingUnion Settlement / Washington Houses
Number of designated accessible spaces:
(If unlined, approximate number of accessible spaces)
45 spaces
Width of designated accessible spaces:
100 inches
Number of designated accessible spaces with access aisles:
6 spaces
Distance from parking to entrance:
(If no designated accessible parking, measure distance from middle of parking lot/area to entrance)
23 feet
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
cement, street pavement
Slope of route of travel (at its steepest incline):
4 %
Width of route of travel (at its narrowest point):
36 inches
Comments/additional information about parking and route of travel to entrance:
wide enough space on the ramp, there is more than enough room
ENTER: EntrancesMain Entrance
Step count
20 stairs
Handrail type
pipe-like metal bar
If yes, width of ramp (at its narrowest point):
100 inches
If yes, slope of ramp (at its steepest incline):
7 %
If yes, depth of ramp landing:
55 inches
If yes, describe the surface of ramp:
Describe the type of railing on the ramp:
not applicable
Clear open width of door:
36 inches
Opening force of door:
(enter 0 pounds if automatic door)
8 pounds
Push/Pull Paddle/Bar
Push/Pull Paddle/Bar
Comments/additional information about entrance:
Signs are clearly visible. There is a window section to the left so that everyone can sign in and another door is present to get in. there are two entrance total that participants can enter through.
USE: Registration/Reception/Check-in AreaAgency Registration
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
not assessed
Height of counter:
39 inches
If no, provide dimensions of free space in registration area:
75 inches x 75 inches
Comments/additional information about reception/registration/check-in area:
There is a check-in area with a sign-in sheet section. The reception area is clearly visible.
USE: Public Restroom/Toiletmain entrance
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
not assessed
Clear open width of door to restroom:
23 inches
Opening force of door:
(enter 0 pounds if automatic door)
5 pounds
Clear space on pull (handle) side of door:
6 inches
If no, provide dimensions of free floor space in stall/toilet area:
36 inches x 36 inches
Toilet seat height:
17 inches
Height of sink:
30 inches
Depth of knee space under sink:
(from outer edge of sink to pipes or other obstruction under sink)
13 inches
If wall-mounted, height of soap dispensers:
38 inches
If wall-mounted, height of hand dryers/paper towel dispensers:
51 inches
Comments/additional information about public restroom/toilet:
The stall is too thin for a wheelchair to fit through, so it is not accessible. Both bathrooms are the same size - 36 inches.
Notes about physical inclusion
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