Teagle Down Fitness Equipment
General Information
* Name/Location of Exercise Equipment Area
Teagle Down Fitness Equipment
Describe the surface of the route of travel:
Width of route of travel (at its narrowest point):
77 inches
Clear open width of door:
32 inches
Push plate
How many machines/equipment are on a route of travel that is at least 36" wide and provide clear floor space that is at least 30" by 48"?
11 machines
Machines and Equipment
List and describe the machines and equipment below.
Name of accessible machine/equipment
Number available
Description of machine or equipment
(i.e. what muscle groups or purpose does the machine/equipment service)
(i.e. what muscle groups or purpose does the machine/equipment service)
Power Lift Multi Rack
Multi function station for barbell exercises
Power Life Half Racks
Multi function station for barbell exercises
Precor High Low Cable Station
Multi function cable exercises
Precor High Cable Pull
Upper body cable exercises
3 lb - 120 lb
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