Carthage Recreation Park Playground

General Information

* Name/Location of Playground Area
Carthage Recreation Park Playground
What is the minimum intended age range for this playground?
2 years
What is the maximum intended age range for this playground?
12 years

Playground ElementMain castle

Describe the surface of the route of travel between the entrance and this element:

(e.g., pavement, grass, wood chips, rubber surfacing)

wood planks
Describe the surface of the area below the equipment:

(e.g., pavement, grass, wood chips, rubber surfacing)

wood chips

Playground ElementTot lot

Describe the surface of the route of travel between the entrance and this element:

(e.g., pavement, grass, wood chips, rubber surfacing)

wood planks to wood chips
Describe the surface of the area below the equipment:

(e.g., pavement, grass, wood chips, rubber surfacing)

wood chips

Playground ElementSwings

Describe the surface of the route of travel between the entrance and this element:

(e.g., pavement, grass, wood chips, rubber surfacing)

wood planks to wood chips
Describe the surface of the area below the equipment:

(e.g., pavement, grass, wood chips, rubber surfacing)

wood chips


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