Delta Lake SP Sunset Bluff Picnic Area

General Information

* Name/Location of Picnic Area
Delta Lake SP Sunset Bluff Picnic Area
Describe the surface of the route of travel:

(see instructions: )

Describe the surface of the route of travel:
concrete, grass
If yes, how many picnic tables are accessible?
2 tables

(i.e. is there at least one accessible picnic table available where other picnic tables are located)


Grills and Cooking Surfaces


Does a firm and stable ground space of at least 48 inches surround all usable portions of the grill?

How high are the cooking surfaces above the ground or floor surface?
26 inches

Picnic Area Fire Pits/Fire Rings

Comments/additional information regarding fire ring area:

There are restrooms located near the pavilion. There is also a swing set at this picnic area. There are no
stairs or lip required to enter the pavilion. There are no garbage cans at the picnic area; what you carryin,
you are asked to carry-out.


Some picnic tables are located on the grass, other picnic tables are located on a concrete surface under a pavilion. The picnic area has 2 accessible tables, which are usually located beneath the picnic shelter, but are often moved by park visitors.